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Home ยป Professor Thomas Henle - discoverer of Methylglyoxal (MGO)


โ€œA grading system must be scientifically sound, based on a method that has been published and can be applied in laboratories. This is certainly the case for the MGO Manuka Honey classification.โ€
Quote from Professor Thomas Henleย โ€“ย discoverer MGO โ€“ University of Dresden (Germany)

In 2006, Professor Thomas Henle from the Technical University of Dresden showed that Methylglyoxal as a compound is responsible for the unique, high-quality and natural bioactivity and thus characterizes the unique and high-quality qualities and bio-active properties of Manuka Honey. Professor Thomas Henle argues that testing for Methylglyoxal (MGO) levels in Manuka Honey is a reliable, quantitative and scientific method. Professor Thomas Henle and the team from the University of Dresden showed that the amount of Methylglyoxal (MGO) in the Manuka Honey is directly related to the level of these unique, high-quality and special bio-active properties of Manuka Honey. Professor Thomas Henle and his team are continuing to work on scientific publications on the unique qualities and special benefits of MGO Manuka Honey.

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